Thursday, May 5, 2011

How to Create Search Engine Friendly Permalinks for Blogger Posts (Blogger SEO)

What is Permalink?

According to Wikipedia, a permalink, or permanent link, is a URL that points to a specific blog or forum entry after it has passed from the front page to the archives.

As you publish a post in a Blogger blog, a permalink is auto generated based on post title.

Permalinks are extremely important when it comes to search engines. Search engines index Blogger posts using their permalinks. These permalinks are used by search engines to categorize your posts.

But Blogger blogs have few disadvantages when it comes to permalinks.
  1. Once you publish a post in Blogger blog, its permalink becomes unchangeable. You can't alter it later on like you can do it in case of Wordpress.
  2. Blogger takes only like first 35-50 characters of you blogger post to generate the permalink. So if you have a long post title, you may miss out few words in the permalink. So extra care has to be tken while forming the title of a post.

Now as almost always, there's a way around. The trick is to publish the post first and then again republish it.

Steps to generate friendly permalinks:
  1. While publishing your post the first time, create a shorter title, around 35 characters long, that adequately summarises the content of the post, and publish the post.
  2. Now edit the same post and replace the shorter title with your preferred longer one. And publish the post again.

Doing this, the permalink will remain the same summarised one that got generated when the post was published the first time, but the post title will now be the one you added while republishing the post.

Now this trick is both reader friendly and search engine friendly. Bloggers can use this trick to remove unnecessary words from post permalinks, as often words like "the", "of", etc can make a post title too long causing important keywords getting eliminated in permalinks. Also doing this helps your blog's SEO, as search engines will index the permalinks with rich keywords.

3 Responses to “How to Create Search Engine Friendly Permalinks for Blogger Posts (Blogger SEO)”

Anonymous said...
May 5, 2011 at 8:55 AM

thanks! helped a lot..

Unknown said...
June 3, 2011 at 7:05 PM

Nice post.I also use this permalink.It work well

Nilayan Ghosh said...
June 4, 2011 at 1:04 AM

Yes it really does. And it highly recommended, since it both user friendly, and search engine friendly.

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